Insider Knowledge: New English-language book about the future of trade fairs

What does the future look like for trade fairs, conventions and events? Top experts provide the answers in two different books published by TFI-Verlagsgesellschaft.

The Future of Exhibitions, Congresses and Events was published last October. (Photo: Expos Asia)
The Future of Exhibitions, Congresses and Events was published last October. (Photo: Expos Asia)

In the spring, we published Die Zukunft von Messen, Kongressen und Events, in which 28 highly regarded experts provide fascinating views of how the future will look in 25 guest articles. “A successful and varied journey through possible futures of the trade fair and event industry,” wrote AUMA of our compilation. Both positive reviews like that and demand from the industry encouraged us to publish an English-language book along similar lines – with 27 further guest articles from another 30 top experts from global trade fair companies and organisations. This book appeared in print at the end of October. The title is The Future of Exhibitions, Congresses and Events. “The trade fair industry will have to reinvent itself to a certain extent in the next ten years,” predicts Björn Kempe, who published the English-language book with support from Stephanie Selesnick.

It seems questionable whether there will still be mega-events taking up 500,000 square metres in future – but it is also pretty unlikely that the traditional face-to-face model will be replaced by digitalisation. “The pandemic has shown us that people want to meet up again and that hybrid concepts only work to a certain extent,” observes Kempe. “Our book reveals how a future like this might look on several levels,” he adds. “The book doesn’t shy away from controversy or from putting forward ideas for the future – that’s really important.” The Future of Exhibitions, Congresses and Events is available both in print (price: 49.95 euros) and as an e-book (42.99 euros). Orders can be placed on the English-language TFI website or by email: The German-language book, Die Zukunft von Messen, Kongressen und Events, can be ordered on the German-language TFI website.

Author: Peter Borstel

This article was published in TFI issue 4/2021


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